Tag Archives: Vintage Caravans

Glamping down in the valley


Daisy and Ruby have had a steady flow of visitors throughout the summer. Lots of lovely people coming for an escape from busy lives to digitally detox and enjoy the beautiful green rolling hills of north Devon. Check out devonvalleyglamping, you can book through airbnb, we still have some dates for September. We will be closing at the end of September and open again next May.

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Three cushions made with bluebell wood weavings


Soon to be for sale on Esty…when i work out how to!! Don’t think i will put them in the caravans. By the way Ruby is ready for hire, just awaiting her gorgeous stripy awning to arrive, more photos soon. Check out http://www.devonvalleyglamping.co.uk




bluebell wood inspired weavings made into cushions

bluebell wood inspired weavings made into cushions

DSC_0925 DSC_0927 DSC_0929 DSC_0931 DSC_0934 DSC_0936 DSC_0937Three cushions made with Devon Wildlife Trust Halsdon bluebell wood weavings. This was so much fun, I have backed them with some fantasic  blue fabric. Nicola Wood produced several designs for Heals in the early to mid 1960’s. Her work is rather distinctive, all the pieces I have come across have a very painterly, abstract, expressionist quality. ‘Vibration’ is typical of this style.  The fabric is 100% cotton barkcloth, very typical of the period.

Here is number 4, a 1979 Casseletta Carlight


Quick trip up to Newark and a night at Adam Hendson‘s farm. A snuggley night spent in stormy Cotswolds certainly proved that she is water tight. Just need to choose a colour scheme to Glamp her up for her coming out season, summer 2014. We did muse about a Rajesthani theme after our ‘trip of a lifetime’ earlier this year but  Casseletta is asking for an Italian limone flavour.  In other words Lemon yellows, which will look suburb in the Orchard down in the valley and we hope the happy holiday makers will feel cocooned in the warmth around them. Jonny says “I love her sexy curves”, must be Italian then.P1000939 lovely scrummy Cassie