Tag Archives: Crafts

Lovely day


Fantastic Pottery exhibition in Barnstaple. So lovely to see the varied creativity, wonder what the name is for a collection of potters? anyone?

Happy with our purchases from a dear old friend who happens to be an amazing potter.

He’s called John West and can be found at Landsdown Pottery in Stroud along with his lovely wife Penny. Here is our new vase/jug and mugs, arn’t they just wonderful.

Thank you to whoever organised this wonderful event, more art and craft needed in North Devon please.

Landsdown pottery

Cauldrons of wool


dizzy enjoying her new bed

I grew many flowers in the valley for our sons wedding, collected lots to dye my Jacob fleece, mixed with onion skins and a sneakily bought Cochineal, alum mordant. Art yarn spun on my Ashford county 2 (still getting used to it), woven on my Brinkley Loom. Fabric needs finishing and will then be made into cushions for a lovely lady who commissioned them.

Lovely sunny Sunday in the valley, really feels like springs arrived


looks like my chain plying is improving. This yarn is made by me from our own small flock of Jacob sheep. It was mordanted with alum then dyed with dyers chamomile, onion skins and three exhausts of cochineal. It amazes me how strong cochineal is, so few wee dried beasties. I then spun on my Ashford and chain plyed. Think I will crochet some new cushions for Liy and Ruby our retro caravans which we are spring cleaning ready for the season. They should be up on air b&b in May, watch this space.

Autumn has arrived 2


I have always loved the colours of autumn, the warmth, the golden colours emerging from the greens of summer, treasure.
I have been carding my naturally dyed wool with commercial fleece i.e. bought from Bristol wool fair, along with re-cycled sari yarn, silk, alpaca, jute, linen etc etc. All together they make a pallet of autumn or so i felt.



Three cushions made with bluebell wood weavings


Soon to be for sale on Esty…when i work out how to!! Don’t think i will put them in the caravans. By the way Ruby is ready for hire, just awaiting her gorgeous stripy awning to arrive, more photos soon. Check out http://www.devonvalleyglamping.co.uk




bluebell wood inspired weavings made into cushions

bluebell wood inspired weavings made into cushions

DSC_0925 DSC_0927 DSC_0929 DSC_0931 DSC_0934 DSC_0936 DSC_0937Three cushions made with Devon Wildlife Trust Halsdon bluebell wood weavings. This was so much fun, I have backed them with some fantasic  blue fabric. Nicola Wood produced several designs for Heals in the early to mid 1960’s. Her work is rather distinctive, all the pieces I have come across have a very painterly, abstract, expressionist quality. ‘Vibration’ is typical of this style.  The fabric is 100% cotton barkcloth, very typical of the period.